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7. Following is the use case diagram for “RMA”
(Quote to Invoice>Shipments> RMA) window.

Revision as of 21:02, 18 August 2009

Quote to Invoice Usecase Model

Use case diagrams for Shipment sub module:

1. Following is the use case diagram for “Generate Shipment manual” (Quote to Invoice>Shipments>Generate Shipment manual) window.

GS Manual.PNG

2. Following is the use case diagram for “Generate Shipments” (Quote to Invoice>Shipments>Generate Shipments) process.

GS Process.PNG

3. Following is the use case diagram for “Shipments” (Quote to Invoice>Shipments> Shipment customer) window.

Shipments Customer.PNG

4. Following is the use case diagram for “Shipments Details” (Quote to Invoice>Shipments> Shipment Details) Report.

Shipments Details.PNG

5. Following is the use case diagram for “RMA Type” (Quote to Invoice>Shipments> RMA Type) window.


6. Following is the use case diagram for “Package” (Quote to Invoice>Shipments> Package) window.


7. Following is the use case diagram for “RMA” (Quote to Invoice>Shipments> RMA) window.