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m (Copy Columns from Table)
m (Master/Detail Tabs)
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====Master/Detail Tabs====  
====Master/Detail Tabs====  
"I really had a hard time on how to set that up , thanks to Karsten for the guidance"
"I really had a hard time on how to set that up , thanks to Karsten for the [https://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?thread_id=2099308&forum_id=610547 guidance]"
Master/Detail tab relationship is the basic of ADempiere know how, that every newbie should be able to have.
Master/Detail tab relationship is the basic of ADempiere know how, that every newbie should be able to have.

Revision as of 02:56, 30 August 2008

About me

  • Code name: Ivan Ceras
  • Real name: Jovansonlee Cesar
  • Born: July 18, 1985
  • Birth: Bohol, Philippines "Yeah, the tarsiers (^o_o^) and the chocolate hills"
  • Met ADempiere: February 2008 "just in time"
  • Profession: Computer Engineer, inclined to software development
    • "Also touched hardwares such as programming PIC Chips to instruct the robotics things".
  • Distro: Fedora Core, since FC4
  • CPU:AMD's
  • IDE: Eclipse
  • WebTools: Joomla, Wiki
  • Search Engine: Google
  • Browser: Firefox
Loved about ADempiere
  1. Extreme flexibility - "Configure me your way, and I will behave just as you wanted"
  2. Intuitive, Uniformed and Attractive Design - Dumb users dont have to be instructed over and over again.
  3. Easy to hack-around - Everything is organized disciplinely.

Programming journey:

Almost all of my college projects were made out of C, since C is main subject of programming. I was an extremist programmer of C, but later on, I find it very tiresome to program (even minor) functionalities.

When I had a chance to undergone an OJT to a software establishment. PHP was their main dish, tied-up with MySQL. I quickly learned PHP since I look at it as if it is C(humbly, very easy indeed). Later, together with my teammates, we were able to build our dynamic school website using our spare time during school days and completed the site in a span of 1 month.

When I was hired as an in-house developer of a Manufacturing firm, I was trained with PowerBuilder. I found PowerBuilder to be extremely fast, robust and suitable for (RAD)rapid application development indeed, much more since they tied it up with Oracle 10g. I enjoyed using toad (excellent), but I found PowerBuilder inflexible. You can't just have what you wanted. You have to adjust to the program, and if you won't, you have to go several wasteful time creating your own set controls. Also it lacks inconsistency. Along with the training we are modifying the existing system, SFC(Shop Floor Control). OMG, I find it very badly designed, much more it has a corporate core library with no supplied source code.

How did I encountered ADempiere?
  • Short Answer: "It is just a matter of keyword" - ERP
  • Long Answer:

Back February 2008, I was googling for an application which will be suitable for business application,which has a requirement of a web interface. It is just a matter of keyword really. I used SugarCRM as the basis(I've encountered of SugarCRM on my OJT days, since it was used in the establishment).I tried googling for SFC, CRM... then came related keywords such as SCM, MRP, and "ERP". I tried ERP, Opensource ERP,etc until.... guess what... Compiere appeared to be prominent, with other rivals...Opentaps,OpenBravo,TinyERP,Value-ERP,TinyERP,ERP5, etc. (ADempiere didn't show up.. i dont know) I read on Compiere, was impressed and interested especially on its "Active Application Dictionary" feature.At first I was hesitant since it is programmed with java. (Java was not apart of our curriculum. It was only a report discussion of other group in a group activity). I tried "Opensource ERP in PHP", opentaps then showed, but I gotten almost nothing to read. Maybe it was dead. I've got no choice, but to read and read about compiere. Every additional word I've read make me more curios about it and urge me to look at the source if it is really well-designed(somehow).

I don't know how to download the source yet, since I know nothing about svn. CVS was our dish and "vi" was our knife. I tried again googling "Compiere compressed/zip source code"...etc, luckily ADempiere showed up, with a sourceforge download link. Without any doubt I downloaded both the compiled binary and the source code.I also downloaded the AVA, in case the 2 might not be easy.

I read about ADempiere(site looks messy...adempeire.org) anyway I manage to reach the wiki. Thank God, I feel like home!. I read on it and read. Until then, that I've successfully installed and configured ADempiere and the database, everything follows. Learning after learning, asking after asking, experimenting after experimenting, hacking after hacking(ows..I mean the code!). It was such a very satisfying feeling of enjoyment. So too shall you(newbies)!

  • Conclusion:
    • All in all and for all these,
    • I may be a newbie to Java (but not anymore to programming languages)
    • I may be a newbie to PostgreSQL (but not anymore to databases)
    • I may be a newbie to ADempiere (but not anymore to integrated systems)
    • I may be a newbie to Sourceforge (but not anymore to opensource)
    • I may be a newbie to SVN (but not anymore to version control)
    • I may be a newbie to Eclipse (but not anymore to editors)
    • I may be a newbie to Linux (but not anymore to Operation Systems)
  • You may be a newbie to a thing, but you may not to it in general.

Go newbies! Be scared not as I dont!, Bottom line is, ADempiere hall famers: red1, trifon, carlos, victor, mario, low, teo, colin, karsten(,..etc) were once all newbies(except that they were conceived with keyboard on their hands). Though they got a lot of experience gathered for years, who will take their place when they retire, if not us(newbies). Long live ADempiere!

  • Oops!, newbie ask: How about jj(jorge janke)?. I'm afraid he was not once a newbie!
  • Ans: I don't know!, just believe he was once in his life :-)
  • Seriously, I really adored jj for the wonderful design. I wonder why if he didn't get dizzy designing such, involving closely related objects.

ADempiere Notes

These are the compilation of my personal notes on ADempiere, influence much of

  1. The tuturials I've read(on this wiki, compiere docs, even openbravo's guides)
  2. The answers to my help yells on the sf forums.
  3. The crazy experimentation that I've done towards the software.

There are equivalent tuturials scattered everywhere, but these notes should be useful for impatient starters who wants a short reading and faster learning with regards to ADempiere. Good luck impatient readers!

xlib_lock failure in Linux

  • Behaviour:
    • the java virtual machine dont work
    • this is caused by library conflicts between java and xinerma, I think.
  • Solution/Workaround:
    • use the sed workaround(as suggested in sun's forum.)
      1. Locate the libmawt.so file (ie, /opt/jdk1.5.0_15/jre/lib/amd/xawt/libmawt.so)
      2. Be root, then issue the command:
 sed -i 's/XINERMA/FAKEEXTN/g' /opt/jdk1.5.0_15/jre/lib/amd/xawt/libmawt.so 
  • I've tested it both on WereWolf(Fedora Core 8) and Hardy Heron(Ubuntu 8.04), and it works.
  • Note: more or less, in jdk1.6.0 or above, this issue has already been eliminated

The AD in ADempiere

  • AD ( Application Dictionary ) "The application is configured by a module of the application itself".
  • In order to appreciate ADempiere, you should be able to understand how the AD works, and at least have a hands on "know how" on how to do it.
  • I refer a window in ADempiere as "AD Window" so as not to confuse from an ordinay windows in every application

Master/Detail Tabs

"I really had a hard time on how to set that up , thanks to Karsten for the guidance" Master/Detail tab relationship is the basic of ADempiere know how, that every newbie should be able to have.

  • Terminologies/Notes:
  1. Master/Detail - a list of master records, each has its own set of records(detail) that pertains to it.
  2. Master Records is also known as Header.
    • Header is much more applicable when we are talking of tables
    • Master is more appropriate when we are talking about records
  3. Tabs are tables that are used in an AD Window construct.
  4. When a certain tab is a detail of the Master tab, assuming that the tab level of the Master tab is 0,then the Detail tab must have a tab level set to 1.
  5. In my presumption, this is the step which often neglected by newbies and alike.
  • Requirement:
  1. In order to create a Master-Detail tab, you should have the 2 table that relates as Master and detail.
  2. The Detail table must have the key column of the Master table -- (General Knowldege, of course)and must be have a reference of "Table Direct" and marked as "Parent Link Column"
  • Example/Scenario:

In a certain Product Manufactured. Every Model has its own set of R numbers.

  1. Master Table: "Model" - can have it as "tt_Model" (test table Model)
  2. Detail Table: "R number" - can have it as "tt_Rno" (test table R Number)
  3. "tt_Rno" must have a column "tt_Model_ID" as "Table Direct" and marked as "Parent Link Column"
  4. To Refect this to your AD Window (ie, Model)
  5. Have the two table as tabs of the window.
  6. Set the tab level of R number to 1. No need to set tab level of Model to 0, since it is 0 by default.
  • Refer to NewWindow for a detail tuturial on this.

Collapsable Detail Tab displayed in the Master Tab

  • The Detail tab could be displayed in the Master tab of you AD Window.
  • This feature has been implemented in Release 331t on January 2008 (I was not involved to Adempiere at this time),with prominent faces of the legendary Victor Carlos Perez(saludo!)
  • Steps to do this:
  1. You must have successfully set the Master/Detail tab in my previous note.
  2. Select a Field(column) in your Master Tab which will be used as "Marker"(entity replacement) to be replaced by the Detail tab when organizing the AD Window. I usually use "Searh Key", since most likely the user needs not to fill them.
  3. In "Search Key" record, Set the "Included Tab" to Detail Tab
  • You should now see that the detail tab of your AD Window is being displayed in the Master Tab.

Synchronize Column

Synchronize Column - creates the physical table into the database.Take note that a table you create using AD in "Table & Columns" is not created yet in the database, even if you are using "Copy Column from Table" button. If you are using "Create columns from DB", of course you should already have a physical table in the database, and this is a reverse process of "Synchronize Column".

Synchronize Column - reacts differently on two situation.

  • Condition 1:If you had just constructed your table using AD this goes that you don't have the physical table yet.You may look at it using Database Admin Software(ie. Toad, PgAdmin) if you are skeptic( as I do).
  • Reaction: Synchronize column will create the table, and the columns associated with it. Look at your Toad to prove.
  • Condition 2:If the physical table has been created (perhaps via Condition1)
  • Reaction: Each column is updated if something has been (ie. its datatype).If the column is new, it is added to the physical table.
  • Note: Each time you delete a column in AD table definition, make sure you also delete the equivalent column in the DB physical table, especially for columns that were defined as Mandatory. This is to prevent errors such as "Mandatory error constraint". You may also stupidily choose not to delete the columns, provided that you set them as "inactive" or "non-mandatory" in the AD Table definition. It's up to you. But I suggest, you delete those equivalent columns in the database for "seiri"(cleanliness?) seek!

Copy Columns from Table

  • "Copy Columns from Table" has an attached process which will copy the columns of an AD Table specified. All columns will be copied except for the key column(<specified_table_name>_ID) of the specified AD Table. Instead, along with the copied columns it will also create a key column for your own table(<your_table_name>_ID). Wow, isn't that easy!(Thanks to the developers!, wonderful).
  • This will function only if and only if the AD Table definition has no physical table in the database yet. Also this don't create the actual database columns in a physical table (Again, the changes/creation of the physical table is done via "Synchronize Column").
  • Tip:If you want to create a basic table structure(which you would likely modify later) use the "M_Product_Category" table, since this contains the most basic columns required for you to be able to include/create the table for your AD Window.

You can also create the columns of you table one by one(Creating/Reusing a system element, Inserting them one by one to your AD Table as Columns, etc...tiresome..) without using "Copy Columns from Table" functionality.

Create Columns from Table

  • "Create Columns from Table" this also has an attached processed that does the exactly the opposite of "Synchronize Column".

"Create Columns from Table" creates an "AD Table Column definition" based on the physical table on the Database. Note: I used physical table when I refer to the actual table in the database, so as not to confuse reader from the table in AD Table, which are table definition only, stored in AD.

Display Logic

  • Display Logic allows you to dynamically control the display of controls/fields just as they are needed, so as not to confused/distract the user.

This allows you to configure the display behavior(show/hide) of fields of a certain AD Window. This is very useful when you wanted to have a user friendly User Interface Window.

Dynamic Validation

  • Dynamic Validation behaves likely as References in Table and Columns, it only differs that the set of values referred to other table can change depending on how you use it.

This is very much useful when you wanted to have a suppressed list of values that is applicable according to the set of inputs created by the user. Likely the Dynamic Validation has a where statement that related to the set of user inputs. Dynamic Validation is invoked when a other fields/own fields changes.

Column SQL

  • Column SQL (Also known as Virtual Columns) - useful for read-only/computed fields.

This could be used to return a value that is looked up from other table. You can take Column SQL as a sub-query of your ordinary SQL statements.

  • Remember: Sub-query must return only 1 record!(You should probably have where statement here).
  • Useful SQL keywords:
    • "coalesce" - could be used as a replacement of "decode" in Oracle
    • "case-when-then-else-end" - acts like a if-then-else in programming(I have just learned this too, maybe we are indulge too much with "decode"). It is also applicable for both Oracle and PostgreSQL. I find "case-when-then-else-end" more handy and comprehensive than "decode".

Process vs Callouts

  • A Process assigned to a button(mostly and appropriate) is applicable for server process and appropriate when you need an extra parameter for processing.
  • Callout is applicable of processing and accessing the values on the fields (which are created on the client side and not on the server side).
  • Callout is appropriate when you want a precalculation of values for other fields in an AD Window before it is saved into the database.
  • Callouts can be assigned to any fields/controls (ie, Button, combobox,checkboxes,textboxes, etc.)


  • Identifier mark a column to be a part of the unique
  • When columns are marked as identifier(this goes that they belong to be a member of unique), the values of the column are concateneted with "-" with respect to the sequence order, when the table is referred in other table when displayed in the AD Window.

Short Notes

  • No space should be used in a DB column when defining in AD.
  • getting Adempiere home directory is in: org.compiere.util.Ini.findAdempiereHome
  • Hiding the Performance Analysis Panel(the charts displays as a dashboard) is configured by setting all the Performance Goals records inactive in "Performance Goal" AD Window.
  • Changing the generated report output format is done in "zkwebui/WEB-INF/src/org/adempiere/webui/window/ZKReportViewer.java". This applicable for the web interface, of course. You can alter the default output format(pdf) to html, you need a temporary file for this.To impress the user, you could also changed the format to "xls"(temp file), then have it be viewed using the ZSS spreadsheet(ZK spreadsheet) component. The user could view the report as a spreadsheet in the browser, as if he/she is used to view a spreadsheet in a desktop.


The notes, that I am writing here may not be accurate since I'm still a newbie. The reader should not take it seriously as a reference, rather as a hint only. If you discover that the idea/"know how" I presented here is wrong or inappropriate, feel free to modify it. Other notes here are just rewriting to short notes I've gathered (don't remember where have I gotten those). One reason why I'm writing this notes is for others(new newbies alike) to accelerate their learning towards ADempiere by giving hint in such a way they will suffer lesser pain than those who have dived prior to them.