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Latest revision as of 16:11, 26 April 2010

As discussed in

Contributing bug fixes

Process for bugs must be straight:

  1. discussion in forums just if you're in doubt if it's a bug
  2. if you're sure it's a bug - open a bug tracker
  3. if you have a solution - upload it (commit it if you have permissions)
  4. if you're really sure about the fix you can commit on release - otherwise you commit on trunk for peer review
  • a bug is something where it 'doesnt work like it's supposed to'
  • something like "it works like this, but it should work like that" is not considered a bug, and it needs functional discussion

Contributing feature requests, new things, and/or functional changes

Single place to document

We need to have a single place to document the suggestion, the goal is visibility and ease tracking

  1. Create a tracker type in sourceforge called ASR - Adempiere Specification Request
  2. URL field to point to the ASR document
    This is being researched as sourceforge is not allowing to create new fields on trackers, or change the status workflow
  3. Workflow for status
    1. Open
    2. Documented (when the document is complete)
    3. In Review by PMC (meaning that PMC has taken this tracker for review on meeting or any mechanism)
    4. Improvements to the document requested
    5. Approved
    6. In development
    7. Pending->Closed

Simple format

We need a simple format for expressing the key issues (what it does, why needed, what corollary consequences)

  1. Structure the format of the ASR, requirements for the tool and format:
    • making document simple to fill out
    • easily editable by others (collaborative editing)
    • it must allow to attach graphics, mindmaps, screenshots, flows
    • user must not have to learn a new language (like mediawiki)
    • strict format with fixed structure

About the tool, conducting an incomplete research we have these findings:

  • google docs have the problem that are not searchable in google - even if publicly published
  • wysiwyg editor for mediawiki - research showed they are all in alpha or beta status
  • foswiki is a wiki that allows structured content and with a powerful wysiwyg editor (we would need to research more)

Minimum Schedule

It is proposed that an ASR needs to accomplish some times to ensure proper discussion within functional experts:

  • minimum 1 week in forum
  • minimum 1 week on functional agenda

Date: April 26 of 2010


Presented and discussed in PMC Functional Meeting 20100422 - ratified by the assistants, functional group will begin implementing it. There is room for input if someone has ideas for improving.