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'''''<Afalcone>''''' bye<br>
'''''<cjerome>''''' bye<br>
'''''<cjerome>''''' bye<br>

Latest revision as of 20:54, 10 January 2009

<red1> Greetings to Mauritius
<red1> :)
<agramdass> Thanks red1
<agramdass> Greeting to you too
<hengsin> lets wait for a few minutes, others are coming ...
<cjerome> Greeting
<hengsin> is frederick coming ?
<red1> no :(
<red1> just joking
<CarlosRuiz> Hi
<agramdass> Yes, he should joining in a while
<red1> hengsin.. karsten ask if u got his email and my sms
<red1> ok got that
<hengsin> hi posterita team, shall we start or wait for frederick ?
<agramdass> Nopes, let's wait
<hengsin> ok then
<agramdass> others will be joining soon
<cjerome> I agree
<red1> take your time
<hengsin> for everyone info, objectives of today meetings is for the current adempiere developers to understand more about Posterita so that we can have a good integration story as we move forward.
<red1> ok
<hengsin> carlos, u have anything to add ?
<CarlosRuiz> no, hengsin, is ok, thanks
<red1> hengsin has spent a session with fred here on posterita
<red1> i have seen a demo on it too
<red1> fred has told us about his team and even shown us pictures :D
<fredtsang> hi all
<hengsin> hi, Frederick
<AlokPathak> hi everyone
<red1> ah fred
<hengsin> hi, fred, shall we start now ?
<fredtsang> hi red1
<fredtsang> sorry some transport issue at the end
<CarlosRuiz> Hi
<fredtsang> yes sure hengsin
<goanookie> quick question: is it posteria or posterita? just to create the correct mailinglist
<fredtsang> posterita
<fredtsang> it is
<hengsin> ok, lets start with the integration model with adempiere
<fredtsang> ok
<hengsin> fred, i thinks it is your show time now :)
<fredtsang> ok
<fredtsang> So i guess the question is... how do we integrate with Adempiere
<fredtsang> well it's very simple
<hengsin> yes, also the deployment and operation model
<goanookie> sf.net takes 6-24 hours to create the mailinglist, adempiere-posterita at lists dot sourceforge dot net should become active soon
<fredtsang> ok
<fredtsang> the way we integrate it, is by using the Adempiere model object
<fredtsang> that way we make sure that the database is only affected by calling the PO objects
<fredtsang> so thus we should not affect, the integrity of the database and thus we should be totally compatible with Adempiere
<fredtsang> any question so far?
<red1> thus u need not touch the present adempiere core?
<fredtsang> right
<fredtsang> or very very little
<hengsin> how about the adempiere workflow engine, would it still be use in this model
<CarlosRuiz> yes I have a question
<CarlosRuiz> what is the scope of posterita contribution?
<CarlosRuiz> I know POS and a replacement for webstore
<CarlosRuiz> are there more? replacement of web client?
<fredtsang> mmm, we might have a villa engine on top of adempiere
<fredtsang> that was an old project
<fredtsang> but it needs to be worked upon and I don't see anybody needing this right now
<fredtsang> so I would focus my effort more on POS and webstore
<CarlosRuiz> good
<fredtsang> concerning the workflow engine, I will pass that question to ashley
<hengsin> so the user will use the web pos and webstore together with the adempiere application ?
<fredtsang> yes should be
<agramdass> nopes, currently we don't interact with the workflow engine
<fredtsang> but workflow do get called right?
<agramdass> yes
<fredtsang> so what are the limitations?
<hengsin> ok, so if workflow is setup in adempiere client, then it will be use as usual, is that correct ?
<fredtsang> hum... ashley?
<agramdass> well it should be
<agramdass> perhaps Alok may give a better overview of this
<AlokPathak> well I do not think we use workflow in any way like Adempiere does
<fredtsang> well we don't use it, but we call it
<CarlosRuiz> but it's ok, I think that POS and web store don't need workflow
<CarlosRuiz> just if you use the model classes the flows must be called
<AlokPathak> yes, carlos is right
<hengsin> I saw there are some screen that overlap with some of the funtinality in the adempiere swing client ( like create user, role, business partner, etc ).
<fredtsang> yes that's right
<AlokPathak> yup there are
<hengsin> so If the user have both system installed, does it mean the user can use either of them ?
<fredtsang> yes
<goanookie> fredtsang, what's your email?
<red1> i think main concern is maintainability.. if posterita uses strictly all of adempiere PO classes.. that is great
<agramdass> yes, these screens just simplify the process
<fredtsang> frederick dot tsang at posterita dot org
<goanookie> tx
<red1> the model can thus be light and elegant to maintain
<hengsin> ok, and how about the status of the integration with Adempiere ?
<fredtsang> alok?
<hengsin> are there any issue ?
<fredtsang> i let you answer that
<AlokPathak> no there are no issues
<fredtsang> mmm yes and no
<hengsin> so it is working now ?
<fredtsang> no issues with oracle
<fredtsang> but no support for posgresql
<AlokPathak> botyes
<AlokPathak> yes
<fredtsang> someone has to convert some of the sql
<AlokPathak> for posgres we have to change some of our quiries
<CarlosRuiz> so the database is being accessed directly in some points
<agramdass> but will try to get that done soon
<hengsin> yes, that's another items that need clarfication from the Posterita team, support for PostgreSQL
<AlokPathak> queries
<fredtsang> carlos is right on some queries
<fredtsang> but they just query the db
<fredtsang> also that could have been avoided
<fredtsang> if the model were more flexible
<fredtsang> but some area, the model is private
<fredtsang> so we can't call the methods
<fredtsang> so if we were able to modify that, then it would be a lot better
<AlokPathak> infact for some of the reports also we need to query the database directly
<fredtsang> but we never udpate the db directly
<hengsin> example ? we can modify the model if necessary
<CarlosRuiz> of course we can allow to modify that
<AlokPathak> no
<CarlosRuiz> the best will be to call the Convert for queries
<fredtsang> yes
<fredtsang> some of the stuff have been done quickly
<fredtsang> and there are some well.. ugly code also in there
<fredtsang> which needs to be removed
<fredtsang> but overall it does work
<fredtsang> carlosruiz yes we will do that
<hengsin> it is ok, so for now, only Oracle is supported.
<fredtsang> yes
<fredtsang> how long to support posgresql ashley?
<fredtsang> alok?
<AlokPathak> well there sre not many specific oracle queries
<agramdass> well should be within two weeks
<AlokPathak> we can sort them out . should not take much time though
<hengsin> that will be great.
<fredtsang> yes it will cos we can't create an ava with oraclexe
<hengsin> also, is there any addition to the adempiere schema ?
<fredtsang> yes there are
<fredtsang> but not so much
<fredtsang> vishee, alok, ashley comment
<fredtsang> pls
<AlokPathak> yes there are few tables and columns
<vishee> I think there are only some field additions
<hengsin> carlos, what's your recommendation, we have some db changes here too.
<vishee> Alok can list those tables that have been modified
<red1> i think listing and categorising the works can assist the rest of adempiere crew to read the code well
<CarlosRuiz> if you need it into trunk we must assign the ID's
<CarlosRuiz> or you can set up a 2pack package to create them as customization
<red1> it is obvious the tamak team is pretty familiar with good practice and compiere/adempiere
<hengsin> maybe it is good to publish that on the wiki, the list of db modification
<red1> getting the others involvement is key to progress and speed
<AlokPathak> yes we will
<fredtsang> sure alok will you take the commitment on that?
<AlokPathak> yes, on monday positively
<red1> alok, dont worry about editing...
<fredtsang> ashley we did not use 2pack yet, right?
<red1> put or try them out in stages
<hengsin> I guess some of those might be good to be incorporated into core in future.
<agramdass> yes, no 2pack yet
<red1> not much use of 2pack
<red1> there is not much use of AD i guess with posterita
<fredtsang> ddutils we were using right
<AlokPathak> right
<fredtsang> do we need 2pack ?
<CarlosRuiz> to deploys as customization, yes
<red1> i dont think so... u have your own web ui
<fredtsang> ashley. alok?
<CarlosRuiz> but I think we could integrate the changes into trunk
<CarlosRuiz> we must review them
<red1> there is the question should we deploy ... as part of 3.2?
<hengsin> won't know at this point, depends on schedule.
<red1> what are the total size of posterita in megabytes?
<CarlosRuiz> I think a condition to deploy it into trunk we need to support postgres as well
<AlokPathak> actually data migration is OK with ddl utils, 2 pack we hav'nt seen uptill now
<AlokPathak> actually we are deploying it as a war 47 mb
<red1> carlos, but we can declare as non for postgres first
<red1> allow users to use under oracleX
<CarlosRuiz> yes, but better as customization
<fredtsang> but it should be reduced, if we manage to make it use the Adempiere.jar in jboss directly
<CarlosRuiz> trunk must be consistent I think
<hengsin> as addon for 3.2, red1
<fredtsang> so that we don't need to include it in the war
<agramdass> yes fred
<fredtsang> that would what
<fredtsang> 10 mb?
<agramdass> some 5-10 mb's more I suppose
<fredtsang> the war is pretty good for plugin
<fredtsang> just copy paste
<AlokPathak> yes
<fredtsang> and works ( if db is compatible)
<AlokPathak> it should
<AlokPathak> infact it does for oracle xe
<hengsin> yes, issue is how to deploy the db changes.
<fredtsang> that's the one
<CarlosRuiz> 3.1.5 is targeted for feb 28
<CarlosRuiz> and freeze the trunk for additions
<hengsin> yes, looking at the date now, it should be a post 3.2 activities
<hengsin> but we at least have to make sure it work well as a addon/plugin for 3.2
<CarlosRuiz> yes, we can work in the changes on core you need until feb 28
<fredtsang> i think, our db changes will need to be reviewed
<agramdass> yes, concerning some columns
<hengsin> yes, that's the first priority.
<fredtsang> oh yeah did we remove that ugly printername?
<AlokPathak> yes we have
<fredtsang> ok good
<AlokPathak> we have added class name and args
<fredtsang> in printformat table
<AlokPathak> yes
<fredtsang> there were a couple of shortcomings you found with compiere
<fredtsang> concerning the POS
<fredtsang> right alok?
<AlokPathak> yes
<hengsin> so 1. Posterita publish db changes on wiki, adempiere team will review.
<AlokPathak> like the one with the cash book
<fredtsang> mb these models can be peer reviewed and should be integrated into core
<hengsin> agree ?
<fredtsang> alok agree?
<AlokPathak> yes lately also I have made changes rounding off
<AlokPathak> ok
<fredtsang> :)
<AlokPathak> I agree
<red1^> (got disc)
<hengsin> good. another question, how much of AD is use in the Posterita web UI ?
<fredtsang> you mean the ad_message?
<hengsin> all ad table for UI
<fredtsang> what is that ad_field, ad
<fredtsang> ad_column
<fredtsang> we wanted to use ad_field
<red1^> or any own customised ones?
<fredtsang> was judge too much work, and we took the easy ad_column way right?
<hengsin> adempiere swing client is mostly build at runtime using meta data stored in AD, would like know how different Posterita approach is.
<AlokPathak> no posterita has fixed gui
<fredtsang> yes adempiere swing client is really impressive
<red1^> thus can u use System>Table & Column and see your metadata?
<fredtsang> well am not sure if we understand the question correctly
<fredtsang> but let's say
<fredtsang> when you see name:
<fredtsang> that name: comes from the adempiere db
<fredtsang> in the ad_column i think
<fredtsang> so you can have different languages
<fredtsang> there is only one limitation
<fredtsang> you can't say firstname
<fredtsang> because if you say firstname
<fredtsang> then your product will be firstname also
<fredtsang> ad_field allows that flexibility
<fredtsang> but was judge too complex, and trivial functionality
<red1^> thus we can look at integration needs
<hengsin> ok, so the label of field comes from ad_column instead of ad_field
<fredtsang> yes
<fredtsang> was simpler
<hengsin> and every page is fixed instead of build at runtime like the swing client
<CarlosRuiz> that's for multilanguage labels
<fredtsang> hengsin correct
<fredtsang> just like the POS in the swing is fixed
<hengsin> yes
<CarlosRuiz> yes, and current webstore is fixed too
<fredtsang> yes
<fredtsang> it would be interesting to have some sort of hybrid model
<CarlosRuiz> except current web client (beta), that's not fixed
<fredtsang> yes
<fredtsang> that's not fixed
<hengsin> for pos and webstore, it is not an issue, the only issue is for those screen that duplicate the screen in swing
<red1^> or a generated UI javas based on AD
<CarlosRuiz> agree with hengsin
<hengsin> like user, role and bpartner.
<CarlosRuiz> webstore is a component that must be customized in each client mostly
<fredtsang> yes then it is better to have the web-client.
<fredtsang> However, posterita was meant for very dumb user
<AlokPathak> we tried to make things simple for the POS user
<fredtsang> so even a BPartner table is daunting, when you have to click on address and all
<fredtsang> so we really made that easy
<fredtsang> but at the same time, bye bye flexibility
<hengsin> Problem is if both system is install and use, customization to AD will need manual modification to the Posteriata screen.
<fredtsang> uh
<fredtsang> not sure what you mean?
<fredtsang> ashley, alok, vishee?
<AlokPathak> yes you are right, but does a POS needs to be that intricate ??
<red1^> fred's view on POS for dumb user is important.. cannot inherit the heavy luggage of AD
<vishee> ur right red1
<red1^> but posterita can still check login and rights
<AlokPathak> yes
<vishee> yes
<red1^> its own but minimalist way
<fredtsang> ok hengsin i understand your question now
<fredtsang> yes i you create let's say a new field
<fredtsang> birthday
<fredtsang> in BPartner you wonder whether it will appear in posterita
<fredtsang> the answer right now is no
<fredtsang> but it would be really cool to have such a framework
<red1^> i see that posterita in the future be a generated GUI of embedded value objects
<fredtsang> I would love to work on that, in the future
<AlokPathak> we had a thought on that , right fred ??
<agramdass> sure, that would be a very nice addon
<AlokPathak> some 6-8 months ago
<fredtsang> yes included tab
<vishee> yes we discussed about it
<AlokPathak> hmmm.. more work :-)
<fredtsang> that would really be world class, if this is done
<fredtsang> user friendliness + flexibility
<vishee> but
<agramdass> yeah for sure
<red1^> perhaps Posterita team here can share their own real users issues with their POS
<red1^> something that adempiere should look at.. that couldnt under compiere
<red1^> if any
<AlokPathak> infact we have, and we are really dealing with some very heavy weight users
<red1> what do they really want to see?
<fredtsang> they wanted discount
<fredtsang> multiple payment
<fredtsang> end of day report
<AlokPathak> discount on order level
<fredtsang> multiple terminal
<fredtsang> discount control on user level
<red1> u already have EOD reports rite, Fred?
<AlokPathak> yes
<fredtsang> yes
<fredtsang> cashbook management
<fredtsang> inventory
<vishee> stock
<AlokPathak> and lots and lots of reports
<red1> yes reports is key
<fredtsang> we used birt before
<vishee> at the end of the day its the report that matters
<vishee> to them
<fredtsang> I don't know why the developer kicked it out
<fredtsang> it was really good
<red1> sharp learning curve?
<AlokPathak> no it was not good to make charts like we have now
<fredtsang> but birt is really flexible
<red1> not thinking pentaho?
<fredtsang> yes we saw that
<AlokPathak> but jfreecharts are quite good to use,
<red1> now the strategy... shuld we release early, features later?
<fredtsang> i would think so
<red1> there is already the finished compiere POS
<fredtsang> let the users use it, but we'll put a big BETA on it
<red1> by OpenXpertya ... that shall be released next
<red1> then comes Posterita
<red1> it makes a good combi of buildup.. to the end users they see option and better option
<hengsin> fred, are your using adempiere report engine or jasperreport ?
<fredtsang> no jasperreport integration right?
<AlokPathak> no
<agramdass> yes, report engine
<hengsin> with enhancement ?
<fredtsang> no enhancement
<fredtsang> just short circuiting it
<fredtsang> when it comes to printing
<fredtsang> cos we can't print the form on slip printers
<fredtsang> this feature should probably be in core
<hengsin> so u print text and printer code ?
<fredtsang> yes
<AlokPathak> yes
<fredtsang> but we can also print the form
<fredtsang> depends how you set it in adempiere
<fredtsang> so if you have a normal printer
<fredtsang> then you can use the compiere form
<fredtsang> but if you have a slip printer then use the (classname + args)
<fredtsang> just some settings in the print format
<hengsin> ok, I guess we will see that as part of the db changes
<fredtsang> yes you would
<hengsin> how about the enhancement/bug fixes for core, if we want to review that, where shall we start ?
<fredtsang> in org.compiere
<fredtsang> all the classes are there
<fredtsang> right?
<AlokPathak> yes
<AlokPathak> org.compiere.model
<fredtsang> but did you comment
<fredtsang> ?
<AlokPathak> yes I have
<fredtsang> oh good :)
<hengsin> can a highlighted list of enhancement and bug fixes for core be publish ?
<fredtsang> yes if you put it in trunk we'll be happy
<hengsin> I means enhancement to the PO, etc.
<CarlosRuiz> Fred, most common requirement for POS here is offline capabilities
<fredtsang> that we don't tackle it at all
<fredtsang> we hoping someone sort the db-replication
<fredtsang> then we'd be ok
<hengsin> you mean local db + replication.
<Afalcone> hi community
<fredtsang> hi alejandro
<hengsin> fred, another option, create feature request and bug report in SF Tracker for the core enhancements and bug fixes your have make in Posterita
<hengsin> I think that might works better.
<hengsin> so we can review the tracker items and integrate it into trunk.
<fredtsang> we are not too familiar with the tracker
<fredtsang> so let us know if we doing it right
<hengsin> It is ok, we all learn along the way ;)
<fredtsang> ok alok, mb you can get the tester to create them
<fredtsang> and you just check on them?
<fredtsang> oh yes
<AlokPathak> ok
<fredtsang> would it be possible to have our posterita team in the developers
<fredtsang> in adempiere
<fredtsang> cos I have to log in for them every time they are committing something
<CarlosRuiz> yes Fred
<hengsin> ah ... that's why I only saw fred committing :)
<CarlosRuiz> currently we don't know how to set up svn permissions specific for directory
<CarlosRuiz> but it's ok
<fredtsang> i did not commit anything :P
<CarlosRuiz> you're just only going to commit in contributions/posterita I suppose
<fredtsang> yes
<CarlosRuiz> please send me the list of sf users
<fredtsang> we are not interested in touching core
<fredtsang> ok email address please?
<fredtsang> so that i can send it
<CarlosRuiz> carlos dot ruiz at adempiere dot org
<hengsin> fred, just one thing, for changes to be incorporated into adempiere main trunk, for now upload as feature request or patch first.
<fredtsang> i don't know how to do that
<fredtsang> but i guess we can figure this out
<agramdass> yes, we will be going according to adempiere CC rules
<fredtsang> oh so you know how to do this?
<agramdass> yes
<hengsin> If you are overriding or extending classes in adempiere main trunk, we would like to consider merging those to the main trunk. For start, use the feature request and patch tracker for that.
<fredtsang> ok ashley
<fredtsang> you'll take care of this then
<hengsin> good.
<hengsin> ok, fred anything else you would like to touch on
<fredtsang> yes I want to upload a zip
<fredtsang> it contains adempiere 3.14 + posterita
<CarlosRuiz> in sf?
<fredtsang> it contains the instructions on how to install it
<fredtsang> that's where I'd like you to tell me
<Afalcone> good!!!
<fredtsang> at least you guys can try it out
<Afalcone> I want to test it!!
<fredtsang> ok cool!
<fredtsang> so where do i send it?
<AlokPathak> :-)
<fredtsang> alok takes full credit for the zip
<fredtsang> responsibility also it it doesn't work :P
<Afalcone> Carlos, can we use SF to this?
<CarlosRuiz> Fred, do you want it published in sf?
<CarlosRuiz> for whole community? or is very alpha stage?
<fredtsang> well we rushed it out a little
<fredtsang> very alpha stage
<Afalcone> or any other FTP where we can download...
<CarlosRuiz> red1
<Afalcone> as alpha state
<fredtsang> but do you guys want to have more activity on adempiere, and we just keep the project on no1
<CarlosRuiz> I don't know :-) What do you prefer, Fred? SF or "private" ftp ?
<hengsin> can that be release as a package that can be installed on top of a normal adempiere 314 installation ?
<fredtsang> i don't think it's stable enough for that
<fredtsang> we gave our own dmp
<AlokPathak> yes but the schema has to be for posterita
<fredtsang> the dmp is the important one right
<fredtsang> cos adempiere 3.14 wasn't changed at all right?
<AlokPathak> Adempiere dmp is also there though
<fredtsang> ok
<fredtsang> well it's 100MB
<fredtsang> total
<CarlosRuiz> let me ask a question to kontro
<fredtsang> (a lot of duplicate jar)
<hengsin> fred, how long it will take to be able to release that as package that can be installed on top of adempiere 314
<hengsin> that will be ideal
<fredtsang> well it depends on you?
<fredtsang> oh i c
<fredtsang> depends only on db
<agramdass> well, we have to get only the classpath right
<AlokPathak> as a matter of fact it is being installed on top of Adempiere only
<fredtsang> yes but i understand
<agramdass> should load our generated models...
<agramdass> the current problem is due to the signing of the jars of Adempiere
<CarlosRuiz> Fred, Kontro agreed to share his server with you to publish the file
<CarlosRuiz> the same server where he publish the AVA files
<fredtsang_> back
<CarlosRuiz> Fred, Kontro agreed to share his server with you to publish the file
<CarlosRuiz> the same server where he publish the AVA files
<CarlosRuiz> Fred, Kontro agreed to share his server with you to publish the file
<CarlosRuiz> the same server where he publish the AVA files
<CarlosRuiz> :-D
<fredtsang__> ok
<fredtsang__> cool
<fredtsang__> so if he can send me the ftp details
<fredtsang__> i can start the process today
<Afalcone> <kontro> FTP is not nice. I'll check out if I can give scp access.
<Afalcone> from other chat :)
<kontro> Hello folks
<CarlosRuiz> :-) now kontro is here, thanks
<Afalcone> Hi kontro
<kontro> fredtsang, Do you have ssh public key ?
<fredtsang_> i have windows here
<kontro> IC :(
<fredtsang_> no ssh on this windows
<fredtsang_> gotomeeting does not work on linux :(
<AlokPathak> fred u can install putty
<hengsin> carlos, looks like we need to enhance 2pack for libero and posterita to be easy to install as a package for 3.2
<fredtsang_> i'll try that
<kontro> I have to think how I manage access to that server.
<hengsin> fred, u can use putty for windows
<fredtsang_> ok
<kontro> There is one CVS repository which is not public.
<kontro> Otherwise I could just share access.
<CarlosRuiz> yes, Hengsin, we must put some focus on 2pack
<Afalcone> Fred, http://www.openssh.com/windows.html
<kontro> Is it ok if I name that server I used to publish ava as: dev.adempiere.org ?
<hengsin> we will very soon have libero bundle, adempiere classic and posterita bundle, good but getting messy :)
<vpj-cd> hi
<Afalcone> kontro, some users must have access to download the zip file, too
<hengsin> hi, victor, I just mention libero and u are here :)
<CarlosRuiz> it could be kontro, better ask to red1 and goanookie about
<Afalcone> fred upload the zip file, and other user donwload
<kontro> Afalcone, Yes put right to upload file.
<vpj-cd> what is subject the convertation?
<Afalcone> Hi Victor
<fredtsang_> where do i upload it
<kontro> I have passwords to make subdomains in adempiere.org.
<fredtsang_> send me the address
<hengsin> victor, we are working on the Posterita integration
<hengsin> hi guys, It is getting late here, can we stop here for today ?
<vpj-cd> haaaa
<fredtsang_> yes let's have a break
<Afalcone> ok hensing
<CarlosRuiz> thanks you very much to everybody
<fredtsang_> yes thx a lot everyone
<Afalcone> Fred I have one question
<fredtsang_> yes?
<CarlosRuiz> hengsin, good work with the PDF !!!!!
<Afalcone> small
<AlokPathak> thanks a
<AlokPathak> lot everyone
<Afalcone> :)
<Afalcone> how do you manage the peripherals?
<vpj-cd> I have one question what is the diffrent wstore vs posteria?
<fredtsang_> haha nice one
<Afalcone> i mean, do you use some POS standard
<Afalcone> such as JavaPOS or UnifiedPOS?
<Afalcone> hahah
<Afalcone> only Yes/NO :)
<Afalcone> haha
<fredtsang_> someone was working on it
<hengsin> guys, I have to leave now, if your continue with the discussion, someone please keep a log and publish it on wiki, thanks.
<fredtsang_> someone IS working on it
<hengsin> bye all
<Afalcone> ok hengsin
<Afalcone> bye
<fredtsang_> but it was easier just to write the print code
<Afalcone> but today you acces directly to the physical device?
<fredtsang_> yes
<Afalcone> ok
<fredtsang_> we support barcode, printer and cash drawer
<fredtsang_> we haven't tried with some other fancy stuff
<fredtsang_> but should be similar
<fredtsang_> not all printer have javapos driver
<fredtsang_> :(
<Afalcone> do you use some protocol such as Epson Esc/POS?
<Afalcone> yesthis is true
<fredtsang_> we follow the manual of the printer device
<vpj-cd> the great subject is the replication
<fredtsang_> i can't remember which character set it uses.
<Afalcone> ok
<fredtsang_> all i know is that for the printer we were using javapos did not work
<vpj-cd> posteria support outline?
<fredtsang_> garbage printing
<fredtsang_> mmm sorry victor what do you mean?
<Afalcone> Victor is talking about data replication and local db i guess
<vpj-cd> yes
<Afalcone> :)
<fredtsang_> no we don't
<vpj-cd> the problem of POS is offline
<fredtsang_> yes
<fredtsang_> we hoping someone sort out the db-replication
<vpj-cd> then posteria is online
<fredtsang_> :)
<Afalcone> the POS work online with the server then
<fredtsang_> yes
<fredtsang_> web
<vpj-cd> ok
<Afalcone> ok
<vpj-cd> One question what you use to access the DB
<vpj-cd> JDBC
<fredtsang_> no
<fredtsang_> PO
<fredtsang_> we talked about that at beginning of meeting
<joseph_> am I to understand that we need hosting?
<joseph_> i saw a comment about that on the main adempiere channel
<fredtsang_> no you need adempiere server
<joseph_> i might be able to donate some
<Afalcone> yes Victor we arrived later to the meet
<joseph_> :-)
<fredtsang_> jboss
<fredtsang_> sponsored development is a huge welcome joseph :)
<Afalcone> ok Fred, that is all for me. Thanks for your time and, of course, your big contribution
<Afalcone> I hope to test it
<fredtsang_> yes
<fredtsang_> but don't forget to send me the details
<fredtsang_> so that i can upload it
<Afalcone> yes, we send you the details
<joseph_> i can give scp access and I have about 1.5 TB of bandwidth to spare
<joseph_> :-)
<AlokPathak> and your comments also
<joseph_> per month
<Afalcone> yes alok, sure
<fredtsang_> someone can even set it up
<Afalcone> Carlos AYT ?
<fredtsang_> and give a link
<fredtsang_> so that people can test
<fredtsang_> our server is too slow
<CarlosRuiz> Afalcone?
<Afalcone> yes Carlos
<Afalcone> when we can give details to Fred
<CarlosRuiz> about?
<Afalcone> so he can upload the zip file?
<CarlosRuiz> kontro is going to send him the details
<Afalcone> ahh, ok, very good
<fredtsang_> ok I am going to have another meeting soon
<fredtsang_> any last question
<fredtsang_> before i leave?
<AlokPathak> I want to tell this to everybody that when u want install the db , please install with RUN_DBRestore, instead of RUN_Import, as the db for posterita is ExpDat.dmp in the db folder
<AlokPathak> I have also written it down in the readme.txt
<fredtsang_> you wrote that in the readme right?
<AlokPathak> yes I have
<fredtsang_> ok cool
<Afalcone> ok Alok
<fredtsang_> oh yeah
<Afalcone> for me not more question Fred
<fredtsang_> we are not working tomorrow
<fredtsang_> so we'll be in touch monday only
<Afalcone> ok, perfect Fred
<Afalcone> again, thanks all your team
<CarlosRuiz> thank you very much Fred and POSterita team
<AlokPathak> thanks a lot to you also
<fredtsang_> yes a big thanks for the team, and you all
<fredtsang_> bye
<AlokPathak> bye
<Afalcone> bye
<cjerome> bye