Payroll Installation

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Installation Instructions for Libero Payroll

AUTHOR:: E-Evolution
3.4.2 INTEGRATOR: Quality Systems & Solutions QSS Ltda.

Instructions for Adempiere 3.4.2s


  1. Adempiere 3.4.2s installed - you find installation guides here Getting Started
  2. Latest patches installed - instructions here Patches_Installation

Install jar package in server

  1. Download jar package including all class files from this link packages_libero_payroll_20090826.jar
  2. Create directory $ADEMPIERE_HOME/packages/payroll/lib - en windows -> %ADEMPIERE_HOME%\packages\payroll\lib
  3. Copy in this directory the file packages_libero_payroll_20090826.jar and rename it to packages_libero_payroll.jar

WARNING: On this directory there must be one and only one jar - please don't take backups of the jar on this directory.

Integrate into server

  1. Execute RUN_setup.[bat/sh] or RUN_silentsetup.[bat/sh] - this step is to integrate the libero payroll classes into Adempiere.jar

Install database and dictionary changes

  1. Download 2pack dictionary installer from this link
  2. Log into Adempiere with role System Administrator and execute PackIn program with the next values:
    1. Type: File
    2. Source: [your_download_directory]/
    3. Package dir: c:\temp -- any directory with write permission, it's temporal
    4. YOU NEED TO CHECK Override Dict

IMPORTANT NOTE: It's recommended (sometimes necessary) to execute the next four processes every time you import a 2pack (or execute migration scripts):

  1. On window Language select the system languages
    1. On every system language push the button "Language Maintenance"
    2. Execute the process "Add missing translations"
  2. Execute process "Synchronize Terminology"
  3. Execute process "Sequence Check"
  4. Execute process "Role Access Update" - you need to leave the "Role" parameter empty to update all roles.