ManPageW SystemConfigurator

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Window: System Configurator

Description :

Window System Configurator from Menu/System Admin/General Rules/System Rules enables you to define global parameters which are stored in the DB. This way you can control program flow without changing code.

  • Parameters are defined in the format Name-Value
  • Model class used: MSysConfig
  • Entries are stored in Table AD_Sysconfig
  • Entries can be made in AD or as normal user
  • Examples in base/src/org/adempiere/pdf/Document.writePDF() and client/src/org/compiere/apps/ In base/src/org/adempiere/pdf/Document.writePDF() for example, the PDF font can be set dynamically.

Usage example:

private final static String MY_GLOBAL_DB_VARIABLE = "VARIABLE_DEFINED_IN_DB";

String xxxx = MSysConfig.getValue(MY_GLOBAL_DB_VARIABLE, "");

if(xxxx != null && xxx.trim().length() > 0)

Help :

Tab: System Configurator

Description :

Help :

Table Name  : AD_SysConfig

ManPageW SystemConfigurator SystemConfigurator.png


Name Description Help Technical Data
Client Client/Tenant for this installation. A Client is a company or a legal entity. You cannot share data between Clients. Tenant is a synonym for Client. AD_Client_ID



Organization Organizational entity within client An organization is a unit of your client or legal entity - examples are store, department. You can share data between organizations. AD_Org_ID



Name Alphanumeric identifier of the entity The name of an entity (record) is used as an default search option in addition to the search key. The name is up to 60 characters in length. Name



Description Optional short description of the record A description is limited to 255 characters. Description



Search Key Search key for the record in the format required - must be unique A search key allows you a fast method of finding a particular record.

If you leave the search key empty, the system automatically creates a numeric number. The document sequence used for this fallback number is defined in the "Maintain Sequence" window with the name "DocumentNo_<TableName>", where TableName is the actual name of the table (e.g. C_Order).




Entity Type Dictionary Entity Type; Determines ownership and synchronization The Entity Types "Dictionary", "Adempiere" and "Application" might be automatically synchronized and customizations deleted or overwritten.

For customizations, copy the entity and select "User"!




Configuration LEVEL Configuration Level for this parameter Configuration Level for this parameter

S - just allowed SYSTEM configuration C - client configurable parameter O - org configurable parameter




Active The record is active in the system There are two methods of making records unavailable in the system: One is to delete the record, the other is to de-activate the record. A de-activated record is not available for selection, but available for reports.

There are two reasons for de-activating and not deleting records: (1) The system requires the record for audit purposes. (2) The record is referenced by other records. E.g., you cannot delete a Business Partner, if there are invoices for this partner record existing. You de-activate the Business Partner and prevent that this record is used for future entries.






Window System Configurator from Menu/System Admin/General Rules/System Rules enables you to define global parameters which are stored in the DB. This way you can control program flow without changing code.

  • Parameters are defined in the format Name-Value
  • Model class used: MSysConfig
  • Entries are stored in Table AD_Sysconfig
  • Entries can be made in AD or as normal user
  • Examples in base/src/org/adempiere/pdf/Document.writePDF() and client/src/org/compiere/apps/ In base/src/org/adempiere/pdf/Document.writePDF() for example, the PDF font can be set dynamically.

Usage example:

private final static String MY_GLOBAL_DB_VARIABLE = "VARIABLE_DEFINED_IN_DB";

String xxxx = MSysConfig.getValue(MY_GLOBAL_DB_VARIABLE, "");

if(xxxx != null && xxx.trim().length() > 0)

Actual Parameters:

Key Description References Domain
DICTIONARY_ID_USE_CENTRALIZED_ID Assign the dictionary ID's from a centralized website reservation instead of sequences Centralized_ID_Management Y/N default Y
DICTIONARY_ID_COMMENTS Comments on the reservation idem
DICTIONARY_ID_WEBSITE Website providing the ID reservation service for Adempiere idem
DICTIONARY_ID_USER Developer username idem
DICTIONARY_ID_PASSWORD Developer password idem
PROJECT_ID_USE_CENTRALIZED_ID Assign the non-dictionary ID's for tables with entity type from a centralized website reservation instead of sequences Centralized_ID_Management Y/N default N
PROJECT_ID_WEBSITE Website providing the ID reservation service for the project idem
PROJECT_ID_USER Developer username idem
PROJECT_ID_PASSWORD Developer password idem
PROJECT_ID_COMMENTS Comments on the reservation idem
PROJECT_ID_PROJECT The name of the project idem
PAYMENT_OVERWRITE_DOCUMENTNO_WITH_CREDIT_CARD On Payment window overwrite the document number with the credit card number when tender type credit card FR 1876984 Y/N default Y
PAYMENT_OVERWRITE_DOCUMENTNO_WITH_CHECK_ON_PAYMENT On Payment window, for payments overwrite the document number with the check number when tender type check FR 1876984 Y/N default Y
PAYMENT_OVERWRITE_DOCUMENTNO_WITH_CHECK_ON_RECEIPT On Payment window, for receipts overwrite the document number with the check number when tender type check FR 1876984 Y/N default Y
ProductUOMConversionUOMValidate Enable/disable validation -> Select the Product UoM as the From Unit of Measure FR 1689521 Y/N default Y
ProductUOMConversionRateValidate Enable/disable validation -> The Product UoM needs to be the smallest UoM - Multiplier must be > 0 FR 1689521 Y/N default Y
ALERT_SEND_ATTACHMENT_AS_XLS Alert processor send the attachments as XLS (N->plain text) FR 1894573 [1] Y/N default Y
MENU_INFOUPDATER_SLEEP_MS Milliseconds of wait to run the infoupdater class on the menu window FR 1717125 integer milliseconds default 60000
SYSTEM_INSERT_CHANGELOG Keep change log for inserts: Y - Yes, N - No, K - just the key _ID FR 1920314 Y/N/K default Y
ZK_DESKTOP_CLASS package+classname of zk desktop class
possible values:
or any custom class you implement to manage your desktop
package+classname defaults to org.adempiere.webui.desktop.DefaultDesktop
SYSTEM_NATIVE_SEQUENCE version > 3.5.2, use db system sequences instead of ad_sequence, please take note this feature is underdeveloped Y/N defaults to N
ZK_DASHBOARD_REFRESH_INTERVAL Milliseconds of wait to run the dashboard refresh on zk webui client FR 2486831 integer milliseconds default 60000
START_VALUE_BPLOCATION_NAME Define the start value for C_BPartner_Location.Name
0 - City
1 - City + Address1
2 - City + Address1 + Address2
3 - City + Address1 + Address2 + Region
4 - City + Address1 + Address2 + Region + ID
FR 2582181 possible values = 0,1,2,3,4 -> default 0
ZK_PAGING_SIZE Default paging size for grid view in zk webui BF 2587957 Default is 100
PDF_FONT_DIR Path to additional font use in report, making it available for PDF export BF 2617308 Default none
ZK_GRID_EDIT_MODELESS Y -> grid view will enter in edit mode
N -> grid view will default as readonly, user have to click on the currently selected row or press enter key to enter edit mode
FR 2688854 Y/N - Default Y (enter in edit mode)
ZK_BROWSER_TITLE Title to show in browser [2] Adempiere
WEBUI_LOGOURL (deprecated with revision 9197) url for the logo in zkwebui resource or url, defaults to /images/AD10030.png - just used if ZK_LOGO_SMALL is empty
ZK_LOGO_SMALL url for small logo in zkwebui [3] defaults to WEBUI_LOGOURL
ZK_LOGO_LARGE url for large logo in zkwebui [4] defaults to images/logo.png
MAX_ACTIVITIES_IN_LIST Max number of activities in list FR 2714423 defaults to 200
CASH_AS_PAYMENT Record Cash as a Payment (True) or Cash Journal (False) FR 2803341 defaults to true
CHECK_CREDIT_ON_PREPAY_ORDER Check credit on prepay order FR 2840458 defaults to true
CHECK_CREDIT_ON_CASH_POS_ORDER Check credit on cash POS order FR 2840458 defaults to true
ZK_BROWSER_ICON Icon to use for browser on zkwebui FR 2790994 defaults to "/theme/[ZK_THEME]/images/icon.png"
ZK_THEME Theme to use on zkwebui FR 2790994 defaults to "default"
ZK_REPORT_FORM_OUTPUT_TYPE Type of output in zkwebui for reports of type form, possible values are PDF, HTML, XLS FR 2804027 defaults to PDF
ZK_REPORT_TABLE_OUTPUT_TYPE Type of output in zkwebui for reports of type table, possible values are PDF, HTML, XLS FR 2804027 defaults to PDF
INFO_DEFAULTSELECTED Info windows - Specify if the records should be checked(selected) by default (multi selection mode only) FR 2847305 defaults to false
INFO_DOUBLECLICKTOGGLESSELECTION Info Window - True if double click on a row toggles if row is selected (multi selection mode only) FR 2847305 defaults to false
2PACK_HANDLE_TRANSLATIONS Define if 2pack handle translations or not FR 1786994 defaults to false
CLIENT_ACCOUNTING Enable client Accounting FR 2857807 D - Disabled (default)
Q - Queue (enabled to post by hand - queue documents for posterior processing)
I - Immediate (immediate post)
ZK_LOGIN_ALLOW_REMEMBER_ME Enable remember me feature on zkwebui FR 2893090 U - User (default)
P - User and password
N - None
SWING_LOGIN_ALLOW_REMEMBER_ME Enable remember me feature on swing FR 2893090 U - User
P - User and password (default)
N - None
ALogin_ShowOneRole Show role list on login when there is just one role to select FR 2976452 Y/N - Default Y
ZK_ROOT_FOLDER_BROWSER Indicates the root for zk folder browser branches/globalqss/adempiere361 server folder - defaults to Server Adempiere Home
MAIL_SEND_BCC_TO_FROM When enabled the outgoing mails from Adempiere will be sent BCC to the originating user FR 3090719 Y/N - Default N
MAIL_SEND_BCC_TO_ADDRESS You can register an e-mail address and all the outgoing mails from Adempiere will be sent BCC there FR 3090719